Advent Devotional Day 3- Co-Workers In God's Service

By: Cameron Brown, Board President

As we reflect on the journey of The Field's Edge and our shared commitment to serving the homeless, the words from 1 Corinthians 3:9 resonate profoundly: "For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building."

This year, under the guiding hand of God, we've witnessed incredible milestones. As the President of this year's Board, I've had the privilege of being a part of the completion of Phase 1—a vital step in providing stable homes for those in need. The houses, part of our first pod, now stand as beacons of hope, tangible expressions of God's love in brick and mortar. Moving our neighbors into these homes was no small feat. Just as the residents faced the challenge of adapting to a new environment, our staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition. In these moments, we became true co-workers in God's service—planting seeds of comfort, security, and belonging in the hearts of those we call Neighbors.

The theme of being co-workers is woven into the fabric of The Field's Edge. Each house, each volunteer, and every prayer offered is a collaborative effort, a shared endeavor with the Holy Spirit. Our mission is not merely about constructing houses; it's about constructing lives, rebuilding hope, and reminding our neighbors that they are not forgotten. As we navigate this new phase, we find ourselves standing at the intersection of physical construction and spiritual cultivation. The houses are not just structures; they are God's fields, where seeds of love, compassion, and transformation are sown. The Field's Edge is a testimony that we are both the architects and inhabitants of God's building project.

In 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul invites us to see ourselves as co-laborers with God. We are not alone in this mission. The very essence of The Field's Edge is a living testament to our partnership with the divine in bringing hope and shelter to the marginalized. Each day, as we tend to the needs of our neighbors, we affirm that we are God's fellow workers. Living in community with our neighbors is an embodiment of this truth. Just as the Corinthians had to learn how to live in unity and harmony, our neighbors are navigating the intricacies of communal living. The challenges they face echo the challenges faced by the early Christian communities. Yet, just as Paul provided guidance to those communities, we are called to walk alongside our neighbors with grace, patience, and love.

The heart of The Field's Edge lies not just in providing shelter but in being a community that loves, supports, and uplifts. In these houses, we see God's building taking shape—a place where brokenness is mended, where scars become stories of redemption, and where the concept of "neighbor" evolves into a family bound by a common mission. As we move forward, let us continue to be co-workers in God's service, recognizing that every effort, no matter how small, contributes to the construction of God's kingdom. Let our love for our neighbors be a living testament to the truth that our God redeems and restores.

May The Field's Edge be a shining example of God's transformative power—a place where the homeless find a home, and where, together, we cultivate a community grounded in love.

Caitlin BeerComment